Wednesday, January 5, 2011

La Casa Grande

Ryan and I are visiting Casa Grande, Arizona and his Mom and Mark, her husband.  Since arriving last night, we have visited the Casa Grande Ruins and met Ryan's Aunt Priscilla and Uncle Alan.

The Ruins are the oldest in the US, and have been up since 300 A.D.

The zeroscape of Arizona is quite beautiful.  Cacti remind me of some of my most favorite people in the world.  Prickly but striking on the outside, meaty and juicy on the inside.  Here are some photos of cactis.

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About Me

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I am Nurse Bacon, a registered nurse who works hard and and lives a full life with her husband, Nascar Pitcrew. A little surly and a little sensitive, I am very much enamored with life and its nuances.