Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010 Wrap Up - Sil's Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas

Whew!  2010 ended in a blur of work and family.  Thanksgiving brought Uncle David to the mothership that is San Francisco.  He lived it up in our fair city, having a wonderful visit with Ryan, Tigh, Noah and I.    Plus he made some fun memories of his own, travelling around and meeting people.  Alexa and Patrick hosted a fun filled Thanksgiving with the Smiths, Alice, and Tigh.  I think it was the first Thanksgiving I shared with Tigh ever as grown ups.

Speaking of grownups, Madame S, Ms. Silvia turned 40 on Sept 29.  A wonderful celebration was hosted by the Coopers, even Mrs. O made an appearance from San Diego.  We spent most of the weekend pretending we were not grownups, and I dressed up as an angler fish for Halloween.  (no pics though)

These photos remind me why I love my friends!  And the whole weekend made me really miss Surly Camp!

The holiday was started with Noah's Birthday in early November.  Tigh, Noah and I went to the Oakland Zoo to celebrate the beginning of his fourth year.  He is such a sweet spirit.  It has been difficult to watch his little heart and brain understand his parent's divorce, but he is really so resilient.  Plus his mom and grandparents have done a wonderful job of keeping Tigh and active part of his son's life.  That being said, Tigh has been on a great path of good decisions and is flourishing in his role as Noah's dad.  Being grown up is never easy, but friends and family make it worth it.

Ryan and I spent Christmas at home together baking lasagnas and waiting for Gabby to return.  Lucky for us, Gab returned safe and sound from Honduras on the 31st.  And our happy home continues on into 2011!

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About Me

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I am Nurse Bacon, a registered nurse who works hard and and lives a full life with her husband, Nascar Pitcrew. A little surly and a little sensitive, I am very much enamored with life and its nuances.