Sunday, October 26, 2008

Posturing Love like a Grumbler

So often I find myself grumbling. "Grumble, grumble, grumble..." rather I am at work, or as I first am waking up all snug in my bed. It makes me sad that so many of the day to day events of my life are so "stressful" and my primary reaction to that is grumbling, coupled with a little whining.

On Friday night, after a 13 hour day on the nursing floor and my phone blowing up with dad and brother problems, I came home to sweet relaxation. Gabby ad ordered dinner, a lovely pasta and broccoli dish (the pasta even had bacon in it!). Ryan made me tea and let me sit up unbothered for a few hours chatting with Gabby. My home with Gabby and Ryan is such fertile ground for love to bloom. I spend a few hours here and am able to recharge and re-connect with my love posture.

I talk with Julie M. about the grumble portion of my personality. I notice how my co-workers seem a little vexed when I take on this attitude. I do not want to be a grumbler. I want to be solid and accepting to myself and all those around me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

15 hour workday

I should be committed for being a nurse...I mean I must be committed to being a nurse. Freudian slip.

Just spent the most grueling 15 hours ever caring for a man who was getting worse faster than he was getting better. I even cried today because of a disagreement with a doctor; lucky for me, it was not in front of him. The whole situation reeked of old school machismo "the doctor knows best."

In the end, I can only offer prayers that my patient's issues resolves and he continues to get the best care ever. As fast paced, disjointed and reactionary as my hospital is, some of the biggest brains in the business work there. And the nursing staff, well, we rock. I have never been so tired as a good day on the nursing floor.

That reminds me...winter is coming. Everybody start washing you hands and covering your nose when you sneeze. Being sick is bad business.

PS special note to Megan...dude, I started blogging 3 days before you. Now that is weird.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Brownie Bites

It has been a tough week and I am glad I have some ice cream and brownie bites to get through this Saturday night.

Gabby returns from Missourri tonight, and I think I might stop at In'nOut Burger on my way home from picking her up. We missed her while she was gone, but Nascar and I did enjoy a little "alone" time. I can't wait to have our own place to nest into...

I had a super productive day today. I washed and waxed Chief the Jeep Liberty and took a walk over to the Mission. I shot some photos of graffitti that I have included here.

Yesterday I stopped in the chapel at my hospital yesterday and prayed for all of those, including myself, who have been affected by domestic violence. It is a far-reaching sword, and very few have been spared. The sadness is never-ending, but time has healed much of it for me.


About Me

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I am Nurse Bacon, a registered nurse who works hard and and lives a full life with her husband, Nascar Pitcrew. A little surly and a little sensitive, I am very much enamored with life and its nuances.