Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm Glad You Are Here

The spring time is in full force.  Our gardens are planted.  The chickens are a'laying.  Things are a'changing.  I am attempting to devote more time to creative pursuits, namely sewing and gardening.  I am a perpetual worker, always believing the job is the most important piece of the puzzle.  I am allowing this time in my life to explore some other avenues.  Maybe the "career path" for me is a windy, flat one.   Perhaps I do not have to run up the hills of success, but can more easily wander the paths of fulfillment.  Does fulfillment equal success?  What defines fulfillment?  These questions are crowding my brain and my heart.  There is no right answer, I know.  One must try on life and see what fits best.

Despite all my questions, there is one thing I am very sure of.  I know my husband is glad I am here.  As importantly, I am glad he is here with me.  We approach our second wedding anniversary in a completely settled, yet exciting place.  We have built a home flexible enough to include others.  We have continued to individually grow, and then build our relationship on these personal growths.  We are building a family and trying to devote more time to the families we come from.  I am just realizing that overall happiness is an accumulation of many small moments of feeling happy.  As a person who is always dodging depression's bullet, this is a major breakthrough.  I thank Nascar, most especially, for leading me to this realization.  Every day I realize how glad I am that he is here.  It is the little things he does, like fixing the washer and dryer, doing the dishes while Gabby and I chat after dinner, placing his hand on my head as I try to fall asleep.  Our partnership has grown into a lush field of contentment, with respect and gratitude as the soil.

Here are some photographs of the Jackson family.  We were lucky enough to spend a fantastic afternoon with Nascar's grandparents last month.  The family gathering was a casual salute to the blessings of family and birthday celebrations for Grandpa and Gary.  His grandparent's will be married 61 years in August.  To spend time with them, brings me so much inspiration as to how I would like my marriage to look 60 years from now.

Vonnie and Jack Jackson - married 60 years and counting and their love is still palpable.

Nascar and his grandparents.  
He credits Grandma Vonnie with his artistic bent, and still has the clown painting she painted for him many years ago.  

Me and Gary, Nascar's dad.  Thank you Gary, for always making me feel so much a part of the family.  

1 comment:

KWQR said...

Beautiful Miss B! I especially love this... "Our partnership has grown into a lush field of contentment, with respect and gratitude as the soil."
Well said.


About Me

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I am Nurse Bacon, a registered nurse who works hard and and lives a full life with her husband, Nascar Pitcrew. A little surly and a little sensitive, I am very much enamored with life and its nuances.