Thursday, November 17, 2011

Beach Retreat

Family Fishing Trip
This month we spent a fantastic (truly) weekend with my Mom, now known as Nana, and my step-dad, Lloyd.  Tigh, Noah, Nascar, myself, and the parents all stayed in Guerneville for the weekend.  It was lovely to meet them "in the country," where we could fish, go for walks, and make big dinners.  I was in heaven, getting to cook for such a big group, and we had a "mock" thanksgiving" one night and a crock pot delight for dinner the next.

Anyone who knows my family knows that such a peaceful meeting has been years in the making.  I am grateful that all of us could put aside our differences to enjoy a few moments of life's little pleasures.  And, again, I am amazed by the magic of a child.  Spending two full days with Noah has made me even more in awe of those little humans and how they march through the world, learning it, tasting it, and believing in it.

Guerneville Bridge
Picking Apples with Grandaddy


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About Me

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I am Nurse Bacon, a registered nurse who works hard and and lives a full life with her husband, Nascar Pitcrew. A little surly and a little sensitive, I am very much enamored with life and its nuances.